Put your company in front of a powerful group of members at the 2014 NationaLease Canadian Leadership Summit. The exhibitor fee includes a 6ft. table at our tradeshow, meals, and access to select, open sessions giving you the opportunity to meet face-to-face with our NationaLease Canadian executives. Sign up today to be one of our exclusive sponsors.
Exhibitor Fees:
- Presenting Supplier: $1,500
- Non-presenting Supplier: $1,000
- Premier Partner: $1,000
- Non-presenting Premier Partner: $500
- Additional Supplier/Premier Partner: $250
Please note: only small, tabletop displays are permitted during the tradeshow. Any supplier with a display found to be intrusive, will be asked to remove their materials. Do NOT bring materials such as large bifolds or pull up banners to be placed on or behind your table. The only materials NationaLease recommends bringing are handouts and tablecloths.
For more information on sponsorships, please contact Kate Barnes at 856.382.4701 or e-mail kbarnes@nationalease.com.