
Meetings Guide

Which Events Are For Me?

Did you know that NationaLease has 11 different meetings throughout the year, which offer incredible networking opportunities and open forums that can benefit your entire organization? View our meetings guide below to see what events you should attend.

NationaLease Spring Business Meeting

NationaLease Spring Business Meeting

Who should attend?
Anyone in leadership who has stake in laws and regulations, industry changes, up and coming technology, and more business-operations topics

NationaLease Maintenance Meeting

NationaLease Maintenance Managers Meeting

Who should attend?
Anyone involved in the day-to-day maintenance and service operations, decisions involving purchasing, or technician training

Introduction to Full Service Leasing Seminar

Introduction to Full Service Leasing Seminar

Who should attend?
Both entry-level and experienced sales representatives, owners or salespeople with limited background in full service leasing, sales managers looking to standardize operations, and any members new to NationaLease
Contact us for more information.

NationaLease Human Resources Summit

NationaLease Human Resources Summit

Who should attend?
Anyone involved in recruiting, retention, promoting company policy and culture, or benefits and compensation best practices, as well as anyone looking to get HRCI/SHRM credits

NationaLease Dedicated Logistics Summit

NationaLease Dedicated Logistics Summit

Who should attend?
Anyone with existing dedicated logistics operations, or members interested in adding dedicated logistics to their menu of services
Contact us for more information.

NationaLease Annual Meeting

NationaLease Annual Meeting

Who should attend?
Company owners, NationaLease company representatives, or anyone else seeking updates and information on the industry, laws and regulations, security, the economy, and available products & services through NationaLease

Financial Officers Meeting

NationaLease Financial Officers Meeting

Who should attend?
Anyone involved in finance or accounting functions in their company who would be interested in topics covering laws and regulations, compliance issues, and other areas typically overseen by CFOs

NationaLease Canadian Leadership Summit

NationaLease Canadian Leadership Summit

Who should attend?
Representatives from our Canadian members who are involved in day-to-day business operations, maintenance operations, fleet management, or decisions involving purchasing

NationaLease Sales Meeting

NationaLease Sales Meeting

Who should attend?
Sales Managers, owners, or anyone else involved or interested in lease sales, used truck sales, vehicle spec'ing, sales team management, marketing strategies, or general sales training

NationaLease Next Gen

NationaLease Next Gen

Who should attend?
Individuals who are currently, or are in line for the leadership/ownership of a NationaLease organization who is at or under the age of 45
Contact us for more information.

NationaLease Review

NationaLease Review

Who should attend?
Anyone who is looking to deepen their knowledge on the services and programs available to them as a NationaLease member, whether new to an organization or seasoned
Contact us for more information.

March 2025