
New for 2014, the Spring Business Meeting agenda will be filled with member-facilitated sessions, giving you the opportunity to hear from other members, share their thoughts on hot topics, and discuss the business challenges most important to your business.

*Agenda is subject to change.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
1:00PM – 1:15PM

Chairman’s Report
Fred Bentley, President, Bentley Truck Services, Inc., a NationaLease Member

1:15PM – 2:15PM

Technology for the Transportation Industry
Jim Angel has been involved in transportation technology for more than 20 years. From his time on the private fleet side, he fully understands the challenges your customers face, and the growing technology demands of their businesses. With expertise in operations, safety, data analysis, and problem solving, Jim understands utilizing technology and transportation business partners to form strong alliances in the industry. Being a former loader, driver, dispatcher, manager, and owner of trucks has given him a sincere appreciation for the industry that is truly the backbone of our country.
Jim Angel, GM, Trucking Division at DriveCam

2:15PM – 2:30PM



Member-Facilitated Sessions

2:30PM – 3:15PM

Managing Fleet Uptime Through the First Year of In-service
Are you finding that your new equipment spends more time in the shop than on the road? What used to be considered the “honeymoon” no longer seems so sweet. Share ideas and hear from fellow members on how they are managing new truck technology through the first year of in-service.
Mike Margarone, President, DeCarolis Truck Rental, Inc., a NationaLease Member

3:15PM – 4:00PM

Selling Full Service Leasing with the Increased Cost of Capital Equipment
Your customers may be experiencing sticker shock when it’s time to renew their lease. With capital equipment costs so much higher than they were 5-7 years ago, how are you justifying the cost of full service lease vs. ownership to your customers? Learn what other members are doing to approach  this common objection.
David Deon, President, Velocity Truck Rental and Leasing, a NationaLease Member

4:00PM – 4:45PM

How Do You Choose and Manage a CRM System?
There are many options on the market for systems to handle your customer relationship management. Choosing the right one is only half the battle. Learn and share best practices on not only selecting the right one for your company, but motivating your staff to utilize the program for maximum effectiveness.
Kurt Kettner, Vice President, Koch NationaLease

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
2:00PM – 3:30PM

A Conversation with NationaLease
Hear from the NationaLease staff as Dean Vicha leads a conversation around objectives and goals for 2014.
Jane Clark, Vice President of Member Services, NationaLease
Jeff Spence, Vice President of National Accounts, NationaLease
David Nitzsche, Senior Vice President of Supply Management, NationaLease


Member-Facilitated Sessions

3:30PM – 4:15PM

How to Grow National Account Business for Member Companies
To capture those big name companies and compete on a national level, it will take some excellent teamwork.  Find out what other members are doing to best work with the National Account team to gain business for everyone.
Jim Smith, General Manager, Southeastern NationaLease

4:15PM – 5:00PM

Best New Technologies for Savings in Fuel and Maintenance Cost
It seems like every vendor these days is selling something they claim will improve fuel economy and cut maintenance costs. Which ones actually work and which ones don’t? Share your experiences and hear others so you can decide which products are worth the investment.
Bill Schultz, President/COO, Lawrence NationaLease


NationaLease Dinner